Women bloggers

Melonie, the blogger at Just a Bump in the Beltway, was commenting on (or should I say complaining about) how few women were invited to participate in the YearlyKos event. The event is put on by people gathered aroung the DailyKos blog run by Markos.

I read her post about sexism and the event and commented a few times myself. I was curious about political bloggers who are women so I decided to do a google search for women political bloggers. I found some great stuff, but no great list of political women bloggers that was categorized in any way (maybe they defy categorization).

But before I go into that search I went to the Kosopedia to find commentary on the sexism issues Melodie brought up. If you read that it might help make sense of why Melodie left DailyKos and started Just a Bump.

The one article I read briefly is from Kevin Drum with the Washington Monthly primarily about how few editiorial writers are women.

I am going to leave this post for now. Even if I never get back to it you’ll have some great stuff to browse.

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