Archive for the ‘Linux’ Category

Linux bash at logon and at boot

Thursday, December 17th, 2015

I have a script that monitors for file creation and then pops up a notification

I need that script to run when the user logs on, but also need to know how to run a script at boot

At boot:


crontab -e
@reboot /path/to/script

and in the script put this at the top?

sleep 20

simple way of doing that is to add those lines to rc.local in your system.

For that you need root or sudo rights. You can edit the file with your favourite text editor, eg vim:

vim /etc/rc.local

(sleep 20
echo 'cpu limit bomi player at 40%'
cpulimit -v -e bomi -l 40) &

The first line tells the the computer to wait 20 seconds, the other 2 lines are from your script and the & at the end tells the computer to run that in a sub shell so that your computer does not wait for the function to end and will continue with boot.

You should add those lines anywhere before the exit 0 call at the end of that script since that will make it exit and ignore any lines after that.


LInux Samba fix users/groups/permissions

Thursday, December 17th, 2015

My problem is that group and user permissions for the group get changed or created wrong when a file is changed or created by some users.

I want a specific group of users to have read/write permissions to every subdirectory and files.

Good examples:

I did this:


On the samba serverm in /etc/Samba/smb.conf  just before the share definitions at the end of the file
force group = users


sudo gedit /etc/fstab

add acl to list of options on all mounts then remount:

sudo mount -a

*- prepare existing files/folders
sudo chgrp -R users /mnt/Files/a-PI/---.test2 #change group folders and files belong to
sudo chmod -R g+rwX /mnt/Files/a-PI/---.test2 #change the current folders/docs to group read/write, capital X changes only folders and executables to executeable

*- set default for new folders/files
sudo setfacl -R -m "default:group:groupname:rwx" /mnt/Files/a-PI/---.test2 #group rw but not setting default group
sudo chmod -R g+s /mnt/Files/a-PI/---.test2 #set SGID so new items belong to parent group

without comments:


sudo chgrp -R users /mnt/Files

sudo chmod -R g+rwX /mnt/Files

sudo setfacl -R -m "default:group:groupname:rwx" /mnt/Files

sudo chmod -R g+s /mnt/Files


— maybe not so much the below info

Then as root:
chgrp users /media/Office-Files && chmod g+s /media/Office-Files
chgrp users -R /media/Closed # not -> && chmod g+s /media/Closed see Note
chgrp users /media/Local-backup && chmod g+s /media/Local-backup

NOTE: setting the sticky bit was an error, it prevents anyone but the user from deleting

to remove the sticky bit

sudo chmod g-s -R /dir

To change group permissions to read, write, execute

chmod -R g+rwx DirectoryName

and this [from here]:

sudo setfacl -Rdm g:groupnamehere:rwx /base/path/members/
sudo setfacl -Rm g:groupnamehere:rwx /base/path/members/

R is recursive, which means everything under that directory will have the rule applied to it.
d is default, which means for all future items created under that directory, have these rules apply by default. m is needed to add/modify rules.

The first command, is for new items (hence the d), the second command, is for old/existing items under the folder. Hope this helps someone out as this stuff is a bit complicated and not very intuitive.

Restart samba server
sudo service smbd restart

log out log in?

Now make sure new user names are in the group ‘users’

These are the possible solutions I considered:

To cause all files henceforth created in /samba/founders to be owned by the “founders” group, do the following.


chgrp founders /samba/founders && chmod g+s /samba/founders

So maybe for me this would be:

chgrp /media/Office-Files users /media/Office-Files && chmod g+s /media/Office-Files

However, if you’re creating a shared directory for group access, you need to perform a few more steps. Let’s take a stab at a group share for the accounting department in the smb.conf file:

comment = Accounting Department Directory
writable = yes
valid users = @account
path = /home/samba/accounting
create mode = 0660
directory mode = 0770
The first thing we did differently is to specify @account as the valid user instead of one or more individual usernames. This is shorthand for saying that the valid users are represented by the Unix group account. These users will need to be added to the group entry account in the system group file ( /etc/group or equivalent) to be recognized as part of the group. Once they are, Samba will recognize those users as valid users for the share.

In addition, you need to create a shared directory that the members of the group can access and point to it with the path configuration option. Here are the Unix commands that create the shared directory for the accounting department (assuming /home/samba already exists):

# mkdir /home/samba/accounting
# chgrp account /home/samba/accounting
# chmod 770 /home/samba/accounting
There are two other options in this smb.conf example, both of which we saw in the previous chapter. These options are create mode and directory mode. These options set the maximum file and directory permissions that a new file or directory can have. In this case, we have denied all world access to the contents of this share. (This is reinforced by the chmod command, shown earlier.)

One solution: In

Add these options to the [global] section:

force user = rolf force group = coders

Another solution:

you could try adding sticky bit for the group on that folder

chmod 2770 foldername
find foldername -type d -exec chmod g+s {} \;

———–See following post from this web site—————-

I think you need to use the following parameters:

# I changes the permissions to rw-rw-r--
# You should be able to change them to 775 if you need the files to
# be executable
create mask = 664
force create mode = 664
security mask = 664
force security mode = 664

# I set the SGID flag here as I thought this is what you wanted
# You could change to 0775
directory mask = 2775
force directory mode = 2775
directory security mask = 2775
force directory security mode = 2775

I was looking for a nice explanation of how these settings work, but could not find anything better then man smb.conf

———-This one might be the true answer——————-

After a lot of trial and error, this is the correct code to share samba dir using SGID and unix groups. If user connects anonymously he gets r/o, if he logs in and is a member of assigned group he gets r/w.

I have group named ‘admin’ set as primary group to users with write privileges, everyone else gets read only rights.

I force user to nobody, so different people working on same files don’t interfere with each other.

I set chmod 2755 on shared directory, so it inherits created directories with the same group ‘admin’

$ chmod -R 2755 /home/shares/test

Checking if all is good:

$ stat /home/shares/test
Access: (2755/drwxr-sr-x)  Uid: (65534/  nobody)   Gid: ( 1001/   admin)

Relevant part of /etc/samba/smb.conf:

        comment = test
        path = /home/shares/test
        force user = nobody
        read only = No
        create mask = 0664
        force create mode = 0664
        directory mask = 02775
        force directory mode = 02775

This post put me on right track, but testparm revealed 4 incorrect directives, so I’m sharing fixed config here. In samba, the less directives you specify the better it works.


Linux Bash script read through file tab delimited

Sunday, November 1st, 2015

This bash file will create hard links from a tab delimited text file that declares on each row the source and hard link destination

To run such a bash file:
Create a new document.
What ever name, end in .sh
Right-click, select properties/ make executable change permissions if needed
Always start such a file with #!/bin/bash
To run the file type: sh dir/


# Opens a text file, reads each line
#     Each line in the text file has two items separated by tab
#     First item is the SourceFile (SF)
#     Second item is the destination folder and name to put the hard link (DL)
# Creates a hard link with line's parameters
# read -r, the -r says to not allow backslashes to escape any characters

filename='/media/Office-Files/Files/create_links.log'     # variable to set text file.
IFS="    "                                      # set read to separate with tabs (between double quotes is an actual tab from the keyboard).
while read -r SF DL ; do                      # read each line in the text file and assign variable to each item.
    ln  "$SF" "$DL"  2>> errors.txt                        # create hard link using variables from text file.

done < "$filename"                          # strange that the text file name is put at the end, but it is.

Thunderbird addons

Friday, October 23rd, 2015

Insert link from local file

Works well, but might need tweak to also allow drop images and web links

  • Windows: %APPDATA%\Thunderbird\Profiles\<Profile Name>\extensions\
  • Linux: ~/.thunderbird/<Profile Name>/extensions/

C:\Users\Tech\AppData\Roaming\Thunderbird\Profiles\73gzoun0.default\extensions\edit extensions\chrome\content\insertlinkfromlocalfile\


comment line 235:

// AEvent.preventDefault ();


Tag Messages
new account =
if from
move to messaging folder
issue: sending from messaging@


Linux command line find then take two actions

Sunday, October 4th, 2015

This is a Linux example of finding files throughout various folders, and for each file found put the file path into a text file then follow that up with the contents of that file.

find /media/Office-Files/Home/~STAFF -name “msgFilterRules.dat” -print0 | while read -d $’\0′ file; do echo “$file” %>> /home/tech/Documents/found.txt; cat “$file” >> /home/tech/Documents/found.txt; done