civiCASE apis and running php from command line

Open terminal as super user [su]

php /var/www/drupal/sites/all/modules/contrib/civicrm/bin/cli.php -e /var/www/drupal/sites/all/modules/contrib/civicrm/bin/csv/export.php contact -e contact -a get –output  –contact_id=2

or, if already in the civicrm/bin directory:
cd /var/www/drupal/sites/all/modules/contrib/civicrm/bin/
php cli.php -e ../bin/csv/export.php contact -e contact -a get –output –contact_id=2


following are notes that got me to this


To run php code on a web site like civiCRM use the cURL program on linux.

First, civiCRM needs a site key.

  • Run the following in a command prompt
    php -r ‘echo md5(uniqid(rand(), true)) . “\n”;’
    highlight the result and right-click copy
  • Navigate to, as administrator,
    open civicrm.settings.php
    search for CIVICRM_SITE_KEY
    Paste the result you copied into the appropriate place, as indicated by xxx’s below
    define( ‘CIVICRM_SITE_KEY’, ‘xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx’ );
    save the file
  • Save that site key somewhere safe for future use
  • Now you have a site key

Get cURL
sudo apt-get install curl

Test cURL by finding the definition of ‘bash’
curl dict://

The key php file I need is for uploading csv text file data transferring from another system to civiCASE.

I found the basic import/export/delete php files in:

* Import records from a csv file passed as an argument.
* Usage:
* php bin/csv/import.php -e <entity> –file /path/to/csv/file [ -s ]
* e.g.: php bin/csv/import.php -e Contact –file /tmp/import.csv


The API explorer, which is available at http://[CIVICRM_URL]/civicrm/api/explorer (or http://[CIVICRM_URL]/?q=civicrm/api/explorer if you do not use clean URLs in Drupal). This gives you the possibility to actually try out the API in action.


The API parameter list, which shows all available entities which can be manipulated by the API and is available at http://[CIVICRM_URL]/civicrm/api/doc (or http://[CIVICRM_URL]/?q=civicrm/api/doc if you do not use clean URLs in Drupal)



Api examples:
This included an example for creating a case with php.

Some handy examples:
An example from civiCRM
And the civiCRM command-line reference page

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