civiCase phpMyAdmin set created_date data

In phpMyAdmin, with the civicrm_contacts table, change the created_date type to date (return late and change back to timestamp).

Copy the created_date exported file AA-qryCreatedDate.txt into /home/tech/Downloads

Enter the following into the civicrm_contacts sql section

CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE civicrm_contact_temp LIKE civicrm_contact;
LOAD DATA INFILE '/home/tech/Downloads/AA-qryCreatedDate.txt'
INTO TABLE civicrm_contact_temp
(id, created_date);
UPDATE civicrm_contact
INNER JOIN civicrm_contact_temp on =
SET civicrm_contact.created_date = civicrm_contact_temp.created_date;

DROP TEMPORARY TABLE civicrm_contact_temp;

change the created_date type back to timestamp.

civicrm_note import

Use a pipe to delimit and don’t use “s for text.


load data infile ‘/home/tech/Downloads/AA-qryNotesContacts2.txt’ into table civicrm_note fields terminated by ‘|’ enclosed by ” lines terminated by ‘\n’ (entity_table,entity_id,note,modified_date,Subject,privacy);

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